RIC OlympRics
Recently me and a couple of my friends atteneded the OlympRics on March 23rd. This event was hosted by one of our friends Tyler Patterson. We put a team together that consisted of 3 kids from our class Rich Wapenyi, Brandon Gauthier and myself. It also consisted of two other people. We entered this event hoping that it would work for our Diversity Event and possibly be a fun experience. And I think that we got both out of it. This event was open to everyone male, female, balck or white, and gay or straight. There where many different events during this that didn't just range in athletics. You needed to be smart because there was a trivia event (which we got last in). You needed to be able to eat a lot (Rich got 2nd!) and you needed to work as a team. There where 8 teams in this event and they awarded the top 3. Between the 8 teams they were all seperated, they werent very diverse. Everyone was teamed up within their "clicks". For example one team would be a big group of track kids while another team would be just gymnastics team. Or you would see just a group of friends that were all boys. O another example there were 3 wrestling teams during this event and they were all seperated differently. One team was all the wrestlers over 21, another was all the upperclassmen and our team was the freshman.
During the turnament there was a big issue during one of our volleyball games. And it was about whether that last hit was in or out. And now during the game there were line judges on all 4 corners so issues like this could be resolved. Anyhow, the line judge called it out which favored our team and we would have gotten a point over the first seeded team along with momentum. Then all the sudden the guy that was running the turnament stormed over and said he disagreed with this call. First of all this gut came out of nowhere, he was in the complete oppisite direction with his clipboard. He came over and discussed it with the line judge and decided himself along with someone else running the turnament that this ball was in, and the line judge kept telling him it was clearly out. Anyhow what im trying to get to is that this event completely described "Delpit" with the rules and codes of power. This guy wanted to show who was in charge and he did. He came over and demostrated he had the power which instead of making the fair decision, he hurt our team. With that decision everyone boo'd him and his call.
At the end of the turnament when we thought we got 3rd and $25 each to a resturant we came to figure out that we got 4th due to a "spirit point". To a team that had 3 guys and 2 girls. Which clearly decribed that there team got third due to being more diverse than ours. I feel like this demonstrated "Johnson" and said those taboo words but in a way without saying them. They got favored because they had girls to the fact that we didnt and we were suppose to be a big bunch of strong men. This event was a good a strong event that we attended and i felt with the issues that took place made this event work.